If you have a Gen 1.5:

It works best to first disable Bluetooth on your phone, so the two Turtleboxes have time to pair together before one syncs with your phone. Next, turn both boxes on and do a quick-press of the "2 Bluetooth" button on either box.  The “2 Bluetooth” button will start to flash, if it is not flashing it’s because the button was held down too long, so try just quickly pressing it and letting off quickly.  When the two boxes stereo pair, you will hear a loud beep and the 2 Bluetooth button on one box will be solidly lit.   Then, turn Bluetooth on your phone back on.  Please note that the first time two boxes are being paired, it can take a minute or two for them to find each other, and you may have to turn the boxes off and back on and try again.   After the first time they pair, they will instantly pair from then on. 

Please note that because of the upgrade to Bluetooth 5.0, the Gen 2 speakers will not stereo pair with Gen 1 or Gen 1.5 units.

If you have a Gen 2:

1. Pair your phone to the first Turtlebox.

2. Make sure the second Turtlebox is not paired to another phone, the Bluetooth button should be blinking.

3. Push 2BT button on the first Turtlebox. When two Turtleboxes successfully pair, you’ll hear a sound indication and both boxes will show a solid 2BT.

Note: The Turtlebox with both the 1BT and 2BT lights solid blue is the primary. The satellite Turtlebox will show the 1BT unlit, and 2BT solid blue. Keep your phone within clear range of the primary Turtlebox.

For the best connectivity, range and listening experience while stereo paired, keep in mind these points below, especially elevating:
  • ELEVATE - putting your Turtleboxes up on a cooler, table, etc. will dramatically improve the connectivity.  Bluetooth works best with a clear line-of-sight, so grass or a very slight rise in elevation between the two Turtleboxes can affect the connectivity. 
  • BACK THEM UP - Place both Turtleboxes beyond the outer edge of the party, where people are not standing between them.  This is also best for the left-right stereo imaging.
  • SLIGHT ANGLE - Angle the Turtleboxes so they are slightly turned towards each other, you want both speakers pointed directly at the middle of the listening area.  Imagine yourself standing in the middle of the party and turn each Turtlebox to face you directly.